
Login system for giveaways

We’ve just released our newest feature for PromoSimple – a login system for entry forms. You may think this is just like other logins that you’ve encountered but, as with many PromoSimple features, we’ve added a few special tweaks and will be continuing to do so in the future. It is up to the administrator of the campaign to decide whether or not this login system is enabled for each campaign that they create.

Logging into a giveaway entry form

Giveaway entrants have two options for logging into a giveaway entry form: using Facebook Connect or entering an email address. This is to ensure that the login system can be used by everyone, even those who do not have a Facebook account or prefer not to use Facebook as a login system.

Benefits of logging in

Users are remembered: The login option allows users to enter the promotion and have their data stored within the PromoSimple system. If the user returns to the same promotion all of their entries have been stored and, upon logging into a promotion that they’ve previously entered, all successfully completed entries will be displayed as completed, removing the reliance upon the entrant’s browser cookies. The system makes it simple for entrants to return often for entries that are eligible for submission every day throughout a campaign.

Information is securely stored and pre-populated: In addition to remembering previously completed entries, the entrant’s data is remembered within their profile. After logging in, any data that they’ve previously entered, such as their first name can be auto-filled in the entry form. Entrants no longer need to rely upon browser auto-full settings or have to deal with retyping the same information over and over again.

Benefits of using Facebook login

If a user selects to log in with their Facebook account, which is a password protected login system, they are able to access and update their profile information. This means that they can choose which information to store in their profile and update it anytime something changes (such as their address).

Facebook rules and contacting winners

Some Facebook users have an email address associated with Facebook accounts that is a Facebook specific email (with a format of To prevent breaking Facebook rules, which include that contacting winners via Facebook is unacceptable, and to ensure that emails submitted are valid and read by entrants, these email addresses will not be accepted by the PromoSimple login system. If a user that logs in with Facebook has this type of email address they will be asked to provide a non-Facebook email address which will then be submitted for the promotion.


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