Getting SoundCloud Embed Code
Find the song that you would like to include when logged into your SoundCloud account and click on the Share button under that track. As long as the track is not set to private, the window that opens will have an ‘Embed’ option at the top of the screen. After choosing the embed option you can grab an iFrame containing the track.
There are also two options for the size and format of the iFrame. Choose the second option which provides a height of only 166 pixels so that your entrants are not overwhelmed by the media within your entry form.
Adding the Song to your Entry Form
Once you’ve copied the Code from SoundCloud paste it into the Description field in Step 1. Basic within the campaign builder. This will allow the song and promotion to show up immediately in the entry form preview. You can also add additional content above or below the song along with links or any other appropriate HTML.
Let users vote on songs
For an even more engaging experience for your giveaway’s entrants, allow them to vote on songs. By pasting your songs’ embed code into the fields of a Multiple Choice entry you can embed multiple tracks within your entry form. You can add text or HTML before or after the Embed code from SoundCloud. The recommended width for this placement is 300 pixels wide. Simply replace the width=”100%” with width=”300px” in your embed code to optimize the display of these songs.
You can also add video to giveaway entry forms using embed code from YouTube is the same manner.