
Overview of giveaway reports

Giveaway reports from PromoSimple are designed to provide you with simple and easy to understand views of all aspects of the data collected from your promotion.

All data collected from a giveaway is always accessible via real-time reporting (for campaigns that are still live) and can be exported into spreadsheet format so that you have the ability to perform external analyses as well as upload your data into customer relationship management applications and an email service provider.

There are five primary categories of reports for your PromoSimple account, each providing different levels of granularity into the data collected from your giveaways, sweepstakes and contests.

Account snapshot report

When viewing your report dashboard you will see a list of your ten most recent campaigns with high level data of run dates, total unique entrants and total entries for each campaign. The graph on your dashboard provides a visual comparison of the volume unique entrants for each of these giveaways.

PromoSimple Campaign Dashboard

You can use the buttons at the bottom of the page to list up to 100 campaigns in the table on this dashboard. You can export all information for a single campaign by using the ‘Export’ link next to the campaign’s name You can also click on ‘View report to view the Campaign Overview report for that promotion.

Campaign overview report

The campaign overview report provides summary data of a single giveaway’s performance. This report makes it easy to view trends by day, geographic location of entrants and the number of times each individual entry option was completed for the giveaway.

Geographic and daily trends: Graphs at the top of the report will visually display a summary of geographical location of entrants as well as trends for the daily number of unique entrants to enter the giveaway and the total number of unique entrants that entered your campaign by day. For more information check out our post about geographic and daily trend reports.

Entrants and entries: The table within the campaign overview report shows the total number of unique entrants that entered the giveaway as well as the total number of entries that were completed. You are also able to see every entry option that was included in the giveaway and the number of times that each was completed.

Unique entrants report

From any campaign overview report you can click on ‘View Unique Entrants’ to retrieve a list of every individual entrant (by email address) that entered your giveaway. This report provides a full list, which can be exported to a CSV file, of every entrant with their email address, IP address and the time and date that they first entered the giveaway. If any additionaldemographic or contact information was required this will also be included in the unique entrants report.

Entry report

For any individual entry option, such as becoming a Facebook fan, that was included in a giveaway, whether required or bonus, you can view a report summarizing this data by clicking on ‘View’ from the campaign overview report. This report provides the entrants’ basic data, including email address, IP address and time and date of the entry as well as any information that was required to complete the entry. This data can include items such a Facebook name, Twitter handle, the options selected from a quiz or poll question or the full text of a completed comment entry.

Individual entrant report

From any entry report or unique entrants report you can click on a single entrant’s email address to view all entries that they have completed. Each entry that the person has completed will include the IP address, timestamp and entry information. To view associated data, you can click on ‘View data’ for that entry (this would display the entrant’s Facebook name for a ‘Facebook Like’ entry).

Daily entries will show as individual line items on this report if the entrant completed the entry more than one time. From this screen you can also disqualify a specific entry if the entrant has not accurately completed the entry.

giveaway unique entrant report


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